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Oakfield Primary School Carrickfergus
Sleepy Hollow Expression of Interest Link Remember to click on the link to log your expression of interest for your child(ren) to attend Sleepy Hollow Wrap Around Care in Oakfield Primary School and Nursery Unit from September 2025Link -   [Open Image]
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The week so far in P4G

23rd Oct 2019

On Monday we were using the computers. So far we have learned how to change the colour and size of our writing, how to use bullet points, how to move our titles to the centre of the page and how to add a picture - this is brilliant boys and girls, keep practising!

On Tuesday we decorated biscuits. We made one to take home, and we ate one in school watching a Halloween cartoon.

On Wednesday we had our last session of Superhero Activity Based Learning. What a week it has been so far!