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Oakfield Primary School Carrickfergus
Sleepy Hollow Expression of Interest Link Remember to click on the link to log your expression of interest for your child(ren) to attend Sleepy Hollow Wrap Around Care in Oakfield Primary School and Nursery Unit from September 2025Link -   [Open Image]
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P5M Learning about Water with Stand By Me

27th Feb 2025
P5M welcomed Danny from Stand By Me into school today. We learned all about the water cycle and what a valuable resource water is for us all. Reservoirs for storage and water purification processes were also considered. P5 thought about how people in other countries who are unable to access clean, fresh water manage to get drinking water and water for washing. Stand By Me support children in Ethiopia to get clean water. We realised how fortunate we are as we have no problems with having enough water in Northern Ireland. ????