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Oakfield Primary School Carrickfergus

Marvellous May with Mrs Wylie’s class

2nd Jun 2024

It has been another busy month in nursery with lots of exciting events and activities.

We planted sunflower seeds to take home and look after. We also planted flowers, vegetables and herbs in our nursery garden. We have been watering them in the dry weather.

We’ve finally been able to play outside without waterproofs and wellies but we have missed the mud to jump and play in!

We took advantage of the mini heatwave and did some paddling and splashing in our paddling pools. We also enjoyed running through the spay of the hose to cool us down!

We have been fascinated watching our live caterpillars grow and change into beautiful butterflies. We have learnt about other bugs and beasts too!

We always enjoy spending time with our buddies and our walk into Oakfield Glen was a super morning.

The highlight of our week was Football Fridays! We learnt to dribble, stop and trap the ball and had lots of fun improving our skills!

The month was brought to a close with a special visit from the ice cream van.

May really was a marvellous month!