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Oakfield Primary School Carrickfergus

Nursery Mrs Wylie - Growing!

4th Apr 2019

We have had lots of fun exploring spring! We have been learning lots about growing. We planted cress seeds and watched them grow. We opened our own flower shop and bought and sold different types of flowers. We used our senses to make careful observation of daffodils and made some super creations using the dough. We also used the dough to make our own representations of bears and frogs. We thought about life on the farm and learnt the names of baby animals. We had lots of fun learning how to play dominoes. We worked with our friends to think carefully and problem solve. We are now super at completing floor puzzles too. We have been thinking about the lifecycle of a frog. We had fantastic fun turning our water bath into a pond. We made green jelly together and added cloves and water beads. We learnt more about melting and cooling. It was a sticky mess but we how we loved playing in it!