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Oakfield Primary School Carrickfergus
Sleepy Hollow Expression of Interest Link Remember to click on the link to log your expression of interest for your child(ren) to attend Sleepy Hollow Wrap Around Care in Oakfield Primary School and Nursery Unit from September 2025Link -   [Open Image]
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Another busy week in P3/4B!

31st Jan 2025

We did lots of outdoor learning this week...we measured the capacity of different containers, played the strategy game 'Nim', found 3D shapes in the outdoor area, assessed the damage caused by the storm and discussed the best way to remove the fallen tree without damaging any other trees (a little robin even landed beside us to listen). We also used chalk and blew paint with straws to create beautiful pictures of Aslan from our class novel, drew pictures of Highland cows, made Scottish castles and played Burns Night bingo. What a busy week!!!