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Oakfield Primary School Carrickfergus
Sleepy Hollow Expression of Interest Link Remember to click on the link to log your expression of interest for your child(ren) to attend Sleepy Hollow Wrap Around Care in Oakfield Primary School and Nursery Unit from September 2025Link -   [Open Image]
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2017/2018 School Year

30th May 2018
P4G can do a lot in 2 days! On Wednesday Noel came to talk to us about recycling....
29th May 2018
There has been some excitement in our classroom over the last few weeks. We have...
25th May 2018
In P4B we used play dough to create and design our own minibeasts - we then completed...
24th May 2018
Primary 1 had great fun measuring outside today. We had to find something that was...
23rd May 2018
P7M really enjoyed 'It's Your Move' lessons with Stephen from SU. They considered...
23rd May 2018
P6/7M were planting lettuce, cress and rocket seeds today with Carmel from our “Full...
23rd May 2018
We were so excited to release our butterflies. We enjoyed watching  them flutter...
23rd May 2018
P7 children enjoyed discussions and activities with Stephen from SU as they looked...
23rd May 2018
For this week's Welly Wednesday we decided it was time to actually catch some minibeasts!...